
A payload is a set of system and optionally domain-specific files that are needed for the correct execution of a smart connector. The system files are composed of bash scripts while the domain-specific files are developer provided executables. The system files enable the Chiminey platform to setup the execution environment, execute domain-specific programs, and monitor the progress of setup and execution.

NB: All smart connectors that are executed on a cloud and a cluster infrastructure must have a payload. However, smart connectors that are executed on unix servers do not need a payload unless the execution is asynchronous.

Below is the structure of a payload.

|--- process_payload
│    |---
│    |---
│    |--- domain-specific executable

The names of the files and the directories under payload_name, except the domain specific ones, cannot be changed.

  • includes instructions to install packages, which are needed by the smart connector job, on the compute resource.
  • is needed to add process-specific configurations. Some smart connectors spawn multiple processes to complete a single job. If each process needs to be configured differently, the instruction on how to configure each process should be recorded in
  • runs the core functionality of the smart connector, and writes the output to a file. Chiminey sends the path to input and output directories via command-line arguments:

the first argument for input and the second for output. The smart connector developer can read inputs from the input directory, and redirect outputs of the job to the output directory. Upon the completion of the smart connector job, Chiminey will transfer the content of the output directory to the end-user’s designated location.

  • domain-specific executables are additional files that may be needed by

Not all smart connector jobs require new packages to be installed, process-level configuration or additional domain-specific executables. On such cases, the minimal payload, as shown below, can be used.

|--- process_payload
│    |---

NB: Sample payloads are available under each example smart connector, at the Chiminey Github Repository.